i got a blog award, my very first to be exact and its kinda fun!! thank you missy amber ~ i love your blog like crazy ~ can i tag back?? :-D im so excited, here is my list,,,
holly sarah
elsie cake
and there you have it!!! i have been working and creating and playing for a new class that ill be teaching at pink and lemme tell you,,, im really excited about it,,, you will be too {promise},,, back to workie work,,, or whatever it is that i do,,,
aw thank you ally!!
:) xo
Ohhhhh, thank yoy, ally! I L.O.V.E my adorable new little guy to add to my blog. I'll get him up there later today!!
BTW, sooooooooooo jealous of people who can take your pink classes. If you ever come to the Phoenix area to teach you let me know!! (Do you do any online classes?)
Ha! Thanks Ally! I'm just checking out yer site on my blackberry. K, you got me hooked! I hearby state I am addicted to Ally! Haha
Thanks so much! You are too sweet!!! That's awesome-it made my day!
Can"t wait to see what classes you are brewing!
I got to see a sneak peek of the class you'll be teaching ,, I love it ,,, and it was just at the starting stage!! I may have to actually do this one ,,, or definitely get a kit!!! Awesome and creative as usual!!
thanks guys :-D
heidi ~ this class/kit i have a certain {very limited} number of kits that are gonna be available for purchase. if youd like a kit a head of time you could go through pink and they could ship it to you for an additional fee,,, orrrrrr,, if the class doesnt sell out and i have kits left over ill probably put em in my etsy shoppie shop or something along those lines,,, i wish you could take a class tooooo!!! {road trip}??? ~kidding,,,
michelle ~ youre so stinkin cute ~ made my day {again}
danielle ~ you too always make my days too,,, :-D thank you!!!
toni ~ HAPPY BIRTHDAY {yesterday} and youre always so darn sweet to me ~ thank you!!!
maggi ~ :-D ~ im headed to your bloggie blog next,,,
holly sarah ~ love your blog :-D
thank you very, very, very much ladies i love you allllllllllll!!!
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