so i guess im into using the same photo over and over these days,,, i guess that what happens when you print out wallets and they come in sheets of four. oh well, at least im not wasting,,, yes?? anyway,,, the newest challenge is up over at dream girls. its fun and new to me!!! follow this link to go straight to challenge number thirty four ~ white out,,,, so, yeah, youll be seeing this photo some time in the future,,, go play along with us!!! its fun and all the cool cats are doing it!!!! here is mine,,, *peace*

have a great week!!!

love you, love ally
This is beautiful, I love the all white!
You rock!!! Love this page!!
Ally it rocks!! There is so much detail on that page that the pic isnt even doing it justice!! Love it!
so darn beautiful! Love the whites and the stitching!
I love this layout!!..but I love all your layouts!! pretty much are the raddest scrapbooker ever!!!..i still look up to you!!!
Absolutely AMAZING!!!...I LOVE it!!!!
Beautiful... the white makes the picture pop.... I love that you have multiples of the same photo... we get to see it in all different makes it really neat. I would actually like to see them all together in a post sometime to compare the styles/moods. If you ever get the chance that is!
I love this layout. Love the stitching!! You gotta tell me your secret for stitching in a circle. I bet your machine is bigger than mine.
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