over at nvs the newest collage is rad. it totally made me think, but with the help of some fun friends, jack, and diet dr pepper,,, ;-) i was able to pull it together and create this layout for marchs collage,,,

here is *hankster*, my adorable bulldog that isnt anything close to this small anymore, but he is perfect, none the less,,, i love him so very much!!!
love, ally
Hankster is adorable!! I really love that airplane pp. Love you layout too--but you knew that--:D
Have a super night!
Oh, Hankster is sooooo cute!!!!!! So is this layout!!!!!!!!! xOxO
Aww Love the airplane paper on Hank's page! And hope his eye is doing better!
What a cutie! I love the patterned paper with the flowers and bling! Awesome layout!
he he...i LOVED this cute layout! i'm soooooo feelin' this collage....and thinking...hoping to crank something out to play along...NVS rocks!
Oh Hankster is just precious...love the LO and you rocked that COLLAGE..you ROCKED IT!!!
Wishing you a great day!!!
ok, good thing this little hunk o' goodness is a state away from me because otherwise i'd be devising ways to get a little piece of hankster action for myself. OMG this dude is the epitome of CUTE. I just want to stroke his little nose. it's really soft, isn't it? awwwwwwwwwwwwwww!
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