and my husband, of course we cant forget him for my instax project,,, here is *him*,, i kinda, sorta, might have made this a few cocktails deep,,, and maybe, kinda, sorta thought the following morning that i wasnt extra stoked about the flower action,, dunno,,, just not. but whatever,, i use gnarly glue that doesnt budge once its dried,, so, alas, here is it,, my ginormous flowered, action, too many JD&DDPs deep, woke up in the morning scratching my head, wondering what i was thinking layout, with an oh so clever title {you know how i do},,, here is *him*
i have to admit, this night was actually
so rad. and yeah, judge if you must,,, i was home. alone. my husband was golfing then out to dinner and drinks with *the boys* and my mother in law had the kids for a sleep over. it was just my, my adhesive, and my ability to absolutely lose control laughing at my own jokes while im a few drinks deep. alone. hey, sometimes, you just gotta laugh at yourself, ive always said, *i am my own favorite audience* {thank you dance hall crashers}. so there you go, oh, and did i mention that i didnt go to sleep till 4:00am!?!?! yeah, by then ricardo came home, we high fived and i kept to my scrapping,,, its was fun. not as fun as a night with
you know who,,, but still fun.